Deploy an
AI-powered chat
in minutes

Built on the most recent AI and ML advances, Alan AI Chat seamlessly integrates with your app or website and transforms user interactions into an intelligent, personalized experience.

Integrate in 5 minutes

We offer lightweight SDKs for different platforms and frameworks to add Alan AI Chat to your app or website in minutes, minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth transition.

Customize to your needs

You can adapt Alan AI Chat to match the look and feel of your website or app. Explore over 25 different settings to fine-tune the chat interface and align it with your brand identity.

Choose interaction modes

You can effectively engage customers using two input and two output modes — text and voice. Adapt to their preferences for a more interactive and satisfying experience.

Personalize with

With Alan AI Chat, you give your brand a distinct voice. Choose an accent, voice type, speed and pitch to provide a unique and familiar audio experience.

Present data dynamically

Alan AI Chat presents complex data in captivating formats using structured text, links, images and formulas. Improve user comprehension and make interactions with data more visually appealing.

Searching for AI innovations?

Dive into the Alan AI Platform to move your business forward

When to opt for Alan AI Chat?


Alan AI Chat excels when it comes to sharing complex information with images, videos, formulas and more.

High information

Alan AI Chat is an effective tool to deal with dense information, simplifying comprehension and reference.

Communication in public

Text-based interactions work well in public or noise-sensitive places, offering a clear and convenient option for communication.

Privacy concerns

Users can opt for text-based interactions when privacy is a priority, while reserving the voice channel for other communication needs.

Records keeping

Interactions in the chat are easily logged and stored, making it convenient for tracking conversations and retrieving information.


Users can engage in conversations with an AI agent while performing other tasks your website or app.


The Alan Al Studio is so innovative that we are amazed by the developer-friendly tools and how easy it is to train the Al agent. We tried several different Al technologies in the market, however, we found Alan Al to be the best among them. They are not only the best technology provider but also have a dedicated team, including customer success engineers, to help the Al be integrated successfully into the app. It was a great pleasure to be able to explore their solution, we would like to collaborate with them in the future on other projects.

Nazat Chowdhury

Save the Children

Unleash the power
of GenAI

Request a demonstration and change the user journey today

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